Alchemy Tips: Basalt Energetic Grounding

Natural stones have amazing healing qualities, such as the descriptions from the fantastic resource on stone energetic qualities, “Love is in the Earth,” by Melody. In my shaman jewelry making, I have found her book to be invaluable in assisting in the combinations of energies and intentions of our Mother Earth geology ‘friends.’

Many stones and crystals also assist in ‘grounding’ our human physical energy and spirit. Energetic grounding is an ancient holistic concept of bringing your spiritual self (energy self) back into your physical body and tapping deep down into Gaia’s center for additional LIGHT strength.

There are many books on the subject of grounding. Two of my favorites: “Gemstones for Foot Grounding,” by Starr Fuentes, and the Pleiadian method through Amorah Quan Yin’s book, “The Pleiadian Workbook: Awakening Your Divine Ka.”

Basalt Monolith, Oregon coastline, photo by Robin Morlock
Basalt Monolith, Oregon coastline, photo by Robin Morlock


Basalt is an excellent stone for assistance in grounding our energies. While the physical stone of Basalt is always great to use, there is a powerful energetic use of Basalt that is described in this article. First, let’s review the benefits of being grounded!


Here are just a few of the dynamic benefits of being energetically grounded:

  • Being truly ‘present’ to the moment; to your 3D reality (escapism, fantasy daydreaming, and denial are results of not being grounded)
  • Feeling an inner strength for all circumstances; emotional peace
  • A sense of solidness; one cannot be knocked over like a big balloon clown in the wind; like a solid core of LIGHT running down the spine
  • Calm observance of people and situations around you, allowing for conscious decision making (not impulsive, emotional reactions)
  • Ability to stay focused and moving toward your stated intentions
  • Recognition of inner emotional blockages through deeper awareness of self
  • Greater overall enjoyment of each precious moment on this planet
  • Ability to be ‘present’ again after a traumatic crisis


This powerful and effective grounding technique is provided through a channeled session in which Master Djwhal Khul, Ascended Master in the Higher Realms, provided this information. I have used this technique on myself and with my clients. It is strong, immediate and lasting.

The words of Master Djwhal Khul:

Basalt will ground nervous energies. Placed along the spine or laying down on large stones on one’s back is best.

Next best choice is holding the stones in the hands. The person will feel calmer – more able to see the whole situation and make appropriate decisions. Basalt is good for curing/stopping indecisiveness.

Basalt is an actual energy that can be energetically channeled down the spine of a person to assist with grounding – achieving calm, solid decisiveness.

Practitioner should hold hands out on either side of the head (oneself or another person) – 8″ away from the body. Hands with palms facing the ears, fingers closed. Practitioner should envision and draw in/call on Basalt energy in a grey-blue color into the top of the head and see it go down the spine. Practitioner’s hands stay in place on either side of the head, unless otherwise intuitively guided to change position.

This is like a “Column of Basalt.” This will immediately ground the person. It will pull their spirit back into their body.

Haystack Basalt monolith, Oregon coastline; photo by Robin Morlock
Haystack Basalt monolith, Oregon coastline; photo by Robin Morlock


In practicing this technique, I have discovered that after about three practice sessions, this energy will be so anchored in the practitioner’s energy field that when it is called upon, it is there immediately. Barely getting my hands in place, I have felt the result on myself or with my client. Calm is instantly restored as well as a feeling of inner strength.

This is an wonderful and quick technique to teach to children. Start with the actual basalt rock in their hands so they can connect with the quality of the stone first. Showing a child the path to quick self-grounding is an emotional life raft for them.

Two Important Reasons

  • A person’s ability to respond in a balanced and conscious way in the world depends on their level of grounded-ness.
  • A person’s ability to ignite the healing process inside the body also depends on being fully present and grounded.

I hope this grounding technique is of great assistance to you in your quest to be ‘fully present Now,’ as well as adding a tool to your healing kit for your clients, family and friends.

I’d love to hear from you if you try this and I am happy to answer any questions on the process!

Blessings, Robin

7 thoughts on “Alchemy Tips: Basalt Energetic Grounding

    1. Hello dear Lola, YES! this is the exciting part of this work – that you are really tapping into the ‘energy’ of the strong and grounding power of Basalt. If you are unfamiliar with the stone, you can try holding it for a few minutes and talking with it, or find the pictures online and then call on the nature energy of it to sit with you for a little bit. Basalt is also happy to provide deep grounding and an ‘initiation’ of its energy with you. It becomes, from my experience, a permanent part of your core energies that you can draw on for yourself and others. Happy ‘Basalt Healing!’


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