Soul Journey: The Law of Incubation

Every single thing, matter and un-matter, has an incubation period – and you just need to sit your gorgeous self on it and it will tell you when it is ready.

–Melanie Johnson, KMP therapist

It is the beginning of a new year, and we excitedly vision new goals, new projects, and the birthing of new Dreams. This joy fills us with lots of STEAM; energy to forge ahead and make grand plans! And since we know that Intention and Vision are the first steps for major manifestation, this is time well-spent.

In the spirit of accountability (to ourselves) we may tell others our Dreams, Hopes and Desires. We set planning steps in process and we focus wholeheartedly on this wondrous new idea. This IS the exciting part!

Let’s fast-forward three months, and what we may find is that our burst of energy is wearing down, and we might even be at a ‘waiting place,’ as we look for confirmation that our Dream is making progress. This slowing down can fill us with impatience, frustration, and sometimes even depression.

Incubation is a Universal Law – it is part of our Life Process

The beautiful quote a the beginning of the article is by Melanie Johnson, MA, R-DMT, MCC, KMP, and she is a Kestenberg Movement Profile expert. Her daily life is all about MOVEMENT as a healing therapy that shifts our habits and attitudes. But Melanie knows that before a great and cohesive movement occurs, an incubation period is necessary (a learning and integrating period) and slowing down is part of the process.

Every mother on the planet experiences this – knowing that the incubation time during the pregnancy cannot be rushed and must be allowed to take is full course. The mother duck sits still, keeping the egg warm. Oh, how patient she is!

So, how can we prepare for this ‘incubation’ period of our Dream?

Expecting the Law of Incubation

Since ‘incubation’ – the process of allowing something to quietly grow on the inside – is a part of the life process for bringing in a new creation, it helps if we find ways to manage the emotions that come up when everything slows down.

What NOT to do:

  • Throw things against the wall
  • Eat everything in sight
  • Push every angle even more aggressively
  • Cry, cry and cry some more
  • Bark at the supportive people in your life

I know this list might get a chuckle, but you probably recognize some familiar behavior there. What you might also realize is that, in looking back, it made no difference to the actual progress of the Dream.

How to recognize if your Dream is in a true period of Incubation

  • You have done all the physical action required to move it forward (at this level)
  • You are waiting for others involved to comprehend and state commitment level
  • Every door is closing right now and you have no new solutions
  • You are mentally exhausted with it right now
  • A new direction is needed, and nothing is showing up (yet)

The incubation period can be applied to any field of work, from engineering to fine art to writing to entrepreneurship, and more. All birthing processes need some time to grow, especially if you have already set foundations in motion.

What TO do:

  • Stop and reflect: is this a time of ‘incubation?’
  • Breathe – take three deep breaths
  • Commit to set it aside for 48 hours
  • Get out in Nature – seriously!
  • Ask for the new solutions or direction to come to you in your nighttime dreams
  • WAIT until you get the nudge that it is ready to hatch!

We need to take a step back, so the first step is reflection on the whole process. Then take some deep breaths – this will relax your body and clear your mind. Truly commit to taking some time away from the Dream (project, issue) and I recommend at least 48 hours. Try to get outside, as nature has a vibration frequency designed to calm our electrical inner wiring so we gain some peace. Ask for help from your Inner Self. You can do this in conversations with your Higher Realm Guides, and use the Dream Incubation! (my favorite)

And finally, wait until it tells you it is ready! There is that Eureka moment that comes with the first crack of the eggshell, and your whole being knows what to do and that the Dream is at the next stage.

The Stirring Inside the Egg

Sometimes the movement will be ignited by an outside source, but most often, as in nature, the MOVEMENT comes from inside the Egg. The stirring of your heart and mind will tell you what direction to take, or when it is ready to begin the next phase of growth.

Benches at Arboretum

So when our next INCUBATION period shows up, let’s embrace it, sit our gorgeous selves down, and know that we are right where we need to be!

Blessings, Robin

Dream Incubation Access the Dream Incubation process!