Clean & Awaken Your Home Space

Springtime! ‘Tis the season to clean out our closets, plant new outdoor gardens, release clothing and odds n’ ends that no longer serve our greater goals, and overall to feel ‘Lighter’ and more energized!

Do you have too much ‘stuff’ crowding your aura?

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Crowded house; Google image

Okay, that photo (above) might be over the top, but you get the idea. If you are stepping over piles and around boxes, or if you cannot find a place to set your coffee cup down, then it is time to add some breathing space to your home space. Especially if you live in a home that is less than 800 sq. ft, like a one-bedroom apartment or loft apartment.

You are cramping your Aura-Expression!

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Who are you now? Google image

Sometimes we add items into our living space without thinking about how it affects us from an energetic and auric perspective. Our aura likes to BREATHE! Subtle body energy fields emanate out from our physical body and are called collectively the ‘Aura’.

Our aura is very much alive! It wants to run, and dance, and flow with the Chi, but instead, it walks with you through that crowded room and feels all the energy attachments you have to each item. Some of those attachments are oppressive (like the candy dish your grandmother gave you) and other attachments feel warm & fuzzy (like the picture of a fun outing with friends). Either way, on a subconscious level, your emotional energy is pulled, twisted around, stifled, sad, or laughing as you pass by these items day in and day out.

Your ‘old’ stuff is exhausting you – and draining energy from new adventures

Now you can see how allowing items to stack up in your house can affect your energy levels – AND all the exciting and new opportunities waiting for the current YOU. When I mention ‘old’ stuff, it refers to items that have run their course with you. They provided an energy boost at one time, and now you have outgrown it.

Every single thing we own falls into three categories:

  1. Represents the past: memories, family, events
  2. Represents the future: new book, new guitar, new shoes
  3. Is functional

Some items are in two of the categories, like the antique flower vase that has been in your family for generations, that serves as a gorgeous flower holder (past/functional). Other items fit into one category, like the new bicycle you bought for yourself with the aspiration of going for weekly rides around your neighborhood. This represents the future – an activity that you are looking forward to incorporating into your active life.

Some items fall into all three categories. If you listened to my recent podcast with Kimberli Ridgeway Soulretriever titled Enliven Your Space, you heard my tale of a recent physical/energetic reaction I experienced to dumping some long-held binders of material.

Here is a different example I will share that may resonate with many people. Recently, as I completed a massive overhaul of closets in my own home, I discovered two beautiful linen tablecloths. I have been holding onto these tablecloths since my grandmother died in 1993. She picked them up on one of her European overseas trips, and I inherited them when she passed away.

These innocent tablecloths, that were quietly hiding in a back basement closet, were suddenly in my hands and being evaluated about their continued lifespan with me.  The tablecloths represent the past (my grandmother and her verve!), and they are also functional (serving as tablecloths). Note: they have never been used in my home since I have a round table. But for me, they also fell into the third category of ‘the future.’ This is because in all these years, I have longed for a rectangular country-style wooden table to throw them upon, and set out lovely glassware and tableware, and have an outside party! The ‘future’ me, apparently, owns a small French cottage with a lovely garden terrace filled with flowers and friends and wine bottles on the table.

Yes, you guessed it. The tablecloths finally made it to the donation box! I held onto these items because they hit all three categories: obligation to maintain something from my family, practicality to hold onto something functional, and dream-funding energy for a ‘me’ in the future that is just not happening. It is not who I am NOW, nor am I making the conscious effort to become that person so lovingly held in my daydreams (holding terrace garden parties, owning a French chateau).

Going below the ‘surface stuff’

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What is in the back of the closet? Google image

This year, as you pull out clothes you have not worn in years, and shed books and papers from a decade ago, I encourage you to dig deeper.

Spring represents a time of new beginnings, new projects, and new adventures! This means that old restrictions must fall away, including the drain of energetically supporting things in our environment that do not sing our soul songs.

What are you really resonating with these days?

Who are YOU – in this current moment? The person that you are holds dear memories and also inspiring future intentions…AND, this person that you are knows exactly what is fulfilling, fun, relaxing, and calming to your system…right now…in this current moment.

Less stuff, more movement

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Space to move around and flow with; Google image

Start by viewing your home environment room by room. First, clear your mind with a walk in nature. Feel the openness of the great outdoor palette, and then walk purposefully into your home. What hits you? Beauty? Serenity? Stuffiness? Staleness? Grungy-looking? This is what is vibrating around you every single day, and your subconscious is highly aware of this particular vibe.

Sometimes the easiest pathway into cleaning out our space is to go after that item that we ‘have too much of.’ We have some hole in our heart or thirst in our system for that one thing – the item we buy and buy and buy. Mine is books. Books of every area you can think of; fiction and non-fiction and there is not much missing in the subject matter!

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What do you have too much of? Time to clean out! Google image

Ask yourself, “What do I have too much of? What have I overdone in my life?”

Spiritually speaking, this is an area of overdone growth for you, and you will soar to new adventures quicker when many of these ‘old’ energy items are released. They served your growth at one time, but may be stifling the current YOU now.

Leave the space OPEN so it can breathe

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Let corners and light in the room speak to you; Google image

We are animals of creature comforts and we tend to want to fill spaces. When considering moving a couch, a shelving unit or other large pieces in your home space, my suggestion is to move it out of the way and let the area breathe with white space. Don’t simply move the couch out and replace it with a chair and table.

Keep in mind that the area you want to shift Chi (flow) in has been saturated with the furniture item for some time. That area has received your mental and emotional attention as holding that piece of furniture for that specific reason (bookshelf; hold rare books and photo albums, for example). When you move the furniture and associated items out of the space, it is still holding that energy pattern. Give it some time to release that pattern, to BREATHE, and to share with you the sacredness of that specific space in your home.

Be open to what your space reveals to your intuitive side

In one apartment that I lived in, I set up a round wood kitchen table and chairs in the living room by the large windows, as the dining room did not ‘resonate’ dining space at all. This served us for a few years, and we loved and cherished that space with flowers on the table, meals in harmony, and gorgeous views from the gracious window space.

Who knows what will be revealed? Listen consciously to your home’s energy and your own soul progression to this current moment, so that what you now place around you truly resonates supportive themes in your life.

Start with Color if you are not sure

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Colors that vibrate with your life goals bring daily support! Google image

Feel what colors have been resonating for you in the last 6 months. This is an indication of the changes you have gone through, brought on by new phases in your life goals and higher vibrational consciousness in your inner-spirit work.

Bring colors and shapes into your life that feel supportive. Also, you may choose to take a Light Language class (Mayan sacred geometry) to learn the true meanings of colors and shapes, bringing your life goals into deeper clarity and focus.

Deeper Questions for Hard-to-Let-Go-of-Items

For those of you who are super serious about lightening your load, and opening quantum energy levels for your physical body and subtle bodies, AND want to feel supported by all items in your sanctuary space, here is my gift to you!

This 1-page document provides energetic questions you can ask yourself as you get to the items that seem to always stay on your shelf and closet, or almost make it out the door. Get the PDF here, Cleaning out the home space Deeper Questions for hard-to-let-go-of Items

Feel free to share with me your journey of cleaning your space and Awakening it with new and supportive energies for your life!

Blessings, Robin