Soul Journey: Creating Outside Support for an Inner Dream

As I write this today, children and adults everywhere are preparing costumes for the Halloween weekend. Donning clothes, props and make-up that would seem ridiculous in the normal routine, most Halloween-goers enjoy the experience of ‘showing’ a bit of themselves…a bit of their fantasy inner life!

Zombie costume; Google images

I am fairly certain that nobody actually wants to be a flesh-eating zombie…right? Yet, when we put on the costume and run around frightening others with a dazed and heavy-footed walk, we are on display to the world about what subjects we are drawn to – what we find interesting – and what we will talk about at length with anyone in ear shot!

Halloween is a great example of how we can begin to put the outside pieces in place to support the larger life vision we hold in our hearts.

The old saying is: “Dress for the job you want.” I would like to explore this a bit deeper. How about these revised sayings?

“Display the life you are almost ready for,”


“Show off your Inner Dream costume”

Changing your clothes, the car you drive, your style of home, and even your physical location are all outside activities that we tend to see happening after we have changed fully in the way that we vision on the inside.

My experience, however, is that this is backwards. When you have made the full circle change that you envisioned for yourself, it can then feel like fingernails on a chalk board every time you deal with a construction from your old world. And those activities of moving to a new city or letting go of a group activity that you hold onto out of obligation become even more laborious. And take longer to complete, in general.

During our Soul Journey, the idea should not be to ‘fake it’ on the outside until you make it (on the inside) – but rather realize the inner change has already happened and you are simply setting up the container that will best support this new rebirth of YOU.

Girl with pretend make-up; Google image
Girl with pretend make-up; Google image

The New YOU

Just in having the Inner Vision of a different way of Being, you have already changed! Now we want to incubate that beautiful dream with supportive outside measures. This allows the Inner Vision to blossom when the time is right into the safe and Light-filled outer container that is your physical life.

Let’s say your heart has gained immense compassion over the last year through your own self-work, prayer, and outer circumstances. This ‘softening’ may lead you to desire to wear softer clothes, or a softer palette of clothing – something that more truly reflects you in this present moment. Let’s add to this that you are waiting to buy these new clothes until you have dropped 20 pounds – another part of your vision – a healthier You!

Dress Up Box; Google image
Dress Up Box; Google image

Don’t Delay!

My suggestion is do not hold back! Begin integrating these outside changes now, and let those supportive constructs reflect back to you who you already have become. It will hasten your movement toward the full vision that you carry in your heart, and simultaneously send out an alert to your environment of the shift. In return, you magnetize to yourself more people, places and situations that resonate clearly with your newly stated goals.

And yes, you will need to buy some additional clothes or tailor your new clothes when you lose those 20 pounds. This is nothing compared to the very real danger of holding back on living who you already are on the inside by waiting for another change. You might get discouraged and never get to experience what you are longing to display – the ‘Healthier You’ vision.

Get a Working Vehicle in Place

We all need reliable transportation to get us from Point A to Point B. Look in your life at any changes that you have been thinking of making for some time now. By getting all of the physical 3D pieces in place quickly, you allow yourself a good working vehicle for the journey. Remember, you need to get comfy with the new 3D changes as well.

Take small steps that have an accumulation factor in play. With your outer world reflecting more and  more of your healthy, healed, authentic inner world, you will soon have in place a strong working vehicle. You can take it slow or go fast toward your new life.

Your Inner Self will blossom by visually ‘seeing’ this new world all around. The speed of the journey, of course, is up to you.

Enjoy Halloween – and contemplate that outside Lifestyle costume you have on. Does it still fit?

Many Blessings, Robin