Alchemy Tips: Nurture Yourself and lose the Guilt

‘Tis the Season to be Jolly…

Yes, and it is also the season to be overwhelmed, over-stimulated, over-sugared and caffeinated, touching every imaginable surface in stores and public restrooms, and just plain old worn out!

Is it any wonder that our immune system asks for a day off? And that comes in the package of body fatigue, sniffles, a sore throat, and mental malaise.

But more than any other time of the year, this is the season of ‘do for everyone else’ if you listen to the hype of normal societal messages; especially for women.

Are You Laughing off the Immune System’s Message?

You are if:

  • You think, “I can power through this”
  • You overload on cough syrup and daytime suppressants to get through
  • You are convinced the world as you know it will fall apart if you take a day off

Our need to control our environment and fulfill the mental task list will, many times, override our intuitive messages that say, “Whoa! I need to slow down. I need to nurture myself a bit here.” When we are in the go-go mode, we tend to answer that intuitive call with “Later. Later. I PROMISE!”

And for many of us, we seem to block out any inspired solutions around temporary care for those in our household while we take that needed day of rest. Maybe it is the stuffy head that fogs those solutions of getting the kids to the grandparents house for a day or two? Or maybe…it is the guilt factor!

Dilbert cartoon by Scott Adams

Getting Well on Purpose

Here are my top suggestions for getting to the sofa or the bed with a cup of tea quickly!

Recognize and acknowledge your amazing Immune System for alerting you. “Thank you, Immune System, for the message that I am out of balance.”

Commit to half a day or a whole day of rest and healing, right away! Whatever you want to get done, or whomever you want to serve – You being WELL is the first requirement.

Get some strong help in your corner. Check out my previous blog on using Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Oregano Oils to clear up the head, the lungs and germs in the house!

Check in with your Intuitive Self on what can wait, and what to delegate. You have built a loving network of friends and family around you – people who want to help out! Check with your Inner Self and ask Source for some guidance; inspired solutions may pop to the surface immediately. And in your heart, you know most things can wait.

When someone in your life pulls on you while you are sick, tap into that Guilty feeling. Really pay attention to how you feel when a person knows you are ill, yet continues to ask much from you. Is it stuffed resentment? A little pissy anger coming up? Sadness because you wanted attention and you are not getting it? When you identify what is triggering your guilt, you are more able to consciously see how this comes out of you towards others; either in words, actions or energy waves. Your ‘Guilty Response’ is not healthy either, for anyone.

Decide what you are modeling for yourself AND those around you. If you never slow down or take a real rest, imagine what message you are sending to others in your life? Do you Walk Your Talk? Your children pick up the subliminal message that the rest of the world is more important than an individual’s health needs. Your partner picks up that you will hold this over his/her head like a martyr or victim, so your partner pays for it energetically. And your co-workers – well, they just pick up the sickie-bug you spread to them by not staying home!

Listen to your heart of on what you need and what comforts you. When you Love Yourself, you learn to pay attention to what feeds your soul. And what nourishes your soul gives you revitalized energy! We all need that energy boost to bring healing to all the cells in our body, especially at immune lows. Maybe it is a cup of wonderful immune-boosting hot tea and a holiday movie? Okay, that might just be me!


Be Well on Purpose – that is my Holiday Heart Gift to you! Living consciously is about recognition of ALL parts of ourselves and working toward health on multiple levels. You will anchor LIGHT for yourself and all the world in Self-Nurturance!

Blessings, Robin

Alchemy Tips: Peppermint, Eucalyptus, and Oregano Oils

Winter winds, chapped lips, sore throats and chest cough – not my favorite part of this season! Holistically, let’s find ways to keep ourselves strong.

Here are my three favorite essential oils:

  • Peppermint Oil – cleans bacteria from the air; clears the mind
  • Eucalyptus Oil – great for respiratory ailments; helps a sore throat
  • Oregano Oil – clears chronic issues; asthma, bronchitis and more

These three ‘miracle’ workers help with a number of issues, including aiding digestion and clearing skin rashes. But my focus is on the respiratory tract.

Breathing air is necessary for life – and when it is inhibited, we have an internal fear switch that can go on that basically says, “I am not well – I am not surviving.” Even if you are not aware of this thought consciously – your instinctual side is – and this can begin to color how you see your day, your week, your world.

To remove the struggle, let’s clean up the air, and help our lungs!

First – I want to be clear that I am recommending Peppermint oil and Oregano oil be used in diffusers to put the scent into the air. Eucalyptus oil can be used on the body, rubbed into the chest as long as you add another diluting-type oil. Also, if you are pregnant, read about these oils carefully, as they may not be recommended during pregnancy.

Second – I will refer to diluting oil, and that means using more of this oil and only a couple of drops of the essential oil. Diluting oils can be Jojoba oil, Almond Oil, Sesame Oil, Coconut oil (liquid) and even Olive oil. Vitamin E oil may be too thick to spread.

Third – I mention diffusers. If you don’t know what diffusers are, you can check out this information on different types of diffusers, and also visit your local organic products store, and you will find lots of options as well.

PEPPERMINT:  I have used peppermint oil for years. I love this oil! As a fan of the old fashioned water with tea candle below-type of diffuser, this is my oil of choice daily in my home. It assists in cleaning the air as it has anti-fungal properties, so my husband’s allergies are lessened. This oil also stimulates and refreshes the brain, so it is great to put into the air when you are mentally fatigued. MORE ON PEPPERMINT

I do NOT put peppermint on my body, as it is very strong and can burn. Even with a diluting oil, I feel this is too strong for me. If you see it recommended that way and want to try it on your chest, temples, etc., please have plenty of diluting oil handy.

Eucalyptus leaves
Eucalyptus leaves; Google image

EUCALYPTUS:  Every time I have a sore throat and chest cough, I turn to eucalyptus essential oil. With this oil, I always use a diluting oil and my favorite is Jojoba oil. It is relatively inexpensive and spreads very well. Also, jojoba oil regenerates the skin tissue. MORE ON EUCALYPTUS

As soon as I put this on my throat (outside, not inside!), I feel immediate relief. Remember, essential oils penetrate the skin in 30 seconds, so it is on its way to providing relief to your internal organs. Eucalyptus is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory in properties. ALWAYS wash your hands completely with soap & water, as you do not want to rub your eyes later and accidentally put oil in your eye area. SAFETY GUIDELINES

OREGANO:  As a new fan of Oregano oil, I am hooked! This essential oil is amazing, and the results are quick for chronic issues (two to four weeks). Oregano oil is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial in properties. I have been dealing with bronchitis on and off for two years and this was recommended to me recently. I was informed that the best format for me was to inhale it. Caution alert – sniffing right from the bottle can cause burning in the nose!

I have been putting this in my diffuser in my home office daily and I use about 10 drops in the small water container. It is strong, so I can smell it continuously. Since I am in my office for about 6 hours per day, this is a lot of infusion. Inside of 2 weeks I noticed immediate results. I can breathe deep and there is no tightness in the bottom of my lung area (the alveoli). I have been outside on some sunny February days to do two-mile walks, and there is no struggle with breathing. Thank You, Oregano!! MORE ON OREGANO

Again, I highly recommend you read the SAFETY GUIDELINES on using the oils before getting started.

Clean Air, Clear Lungs and we are set to BREATHE in and be joyously present every day!

Blessings, Robin