Welcome to 2024! Double down on Authentic Choices this year.

In numerology, the numbers of the year can be reduced to a single digit, and that gives us a peek into the supportive energies that will be resonating and vibrating on the planet – all year long. These yearly NUMBER energies affect our mental, emotional and spiritual attitude throughout the year, and we give ourselves a boost in preparing for the new year’s vibration!

2023 was a SEVEN year for humanity. Numerology works like this: Add your single digits together and if it is a number from 1 to 9, then you are done. You know the inherent energy force at work. If it adds up to a two-digit number, however, then we add those two numbers together and reduce again, until we have a single digit.

For example, 2023 is 2+0+2+3=7.

As another example: If we look back at a year such as 1968, it would be 1+9+6+8=24. We would add 2+4=6 to get the single digit of 6. That was a SIX year energetically.

Reflection of last year as a SEVEN year

A SEVEN overall vibration is one of INNER GROWTH, SPIRITUAL REFLECTION, and SLOWING DOWN. This constant wave of energy that is surrounding us and supporting us all through the year would also influence how we make decisions, what activities we join, and even how we view our current relationships.

During 2023, you may have been very active, and yet, found yourself evaluating your life values, your current choice of work or school, and possibly reflecting about what makes you truly happy and where your boundaries lie with others.

This may have had the added effect of feeling like you were moving through molasses at times. This would be part of that SEVEN energy. It is designed to slow us down so we will rest and reflect. We are then able to make more authentic and higher consciousness choices for our life path.

Even if you were super busy, you might have journaled more in 2023, or engaged in deeper heart-felt conversations with those you trust. Maybe you were teasing out WHO YOU ARE right now, and what would bring true joy into your daily life. Your nighttime dreams may have been more pronounced and in your heart, you know there are messages there to decipher.

How to use SEVEN Year knowledge into 2024

Now that we know how to decode in numerology-speak, we can see that 2024 is an EIGHT year. The overriding energy of an EIGHT year is ‘abundance’ – wealth, material items, relationships, and love harvesting. The interesting thing about an Abundance energy is that while it can bring us wonderful changes and more of what we love – it can also bring more of what we do not love.

Our mindset will determine this harvesting – this magnetizing – into our daily experiences.

Focus positively on what you want so it can expand and show up. Let go of harping on what is unwanted so it can gradually disappear off the horizon.

Be Honest with Yourself

Whatever came up in your mind and heart in 2023, be real with yourself about how you truly feel toward those thoughts. Perhaps your internal spirit is nudging you to make some big changes. Take time to evaluate what this pivot would look like and what joy it could bring into your life.

BEING AUTHENTIC is a phrase that we hear now in our Spiritual Journey. To BE authentic means to be selective about how one’s energy is spent. Give yourself permission to slow down and be deliberate in your 2024 choices.

Don’t let the group mentality of rushing to write down goals and targets and shifting your day habits ‘right now’ push you into rash decisions. Check in with your heart before you commit and expend energy and emotions to something new.


2023 gave us all the GIFT of quiet introspection in order to live a deeper, more satisfying life on this gorgeous planet. In 2024, allow those new thoughts to be at home in your heart, and by being PRESENT to yourself each day, you will naturally move into more authentic and joyful living.

If you still feel uncertain about what came up for you in 2023, or what changes you desire to make – try listening to your intuitive self by asking ‘does this feel good to be doing, OR, does this create tension/resistance inside me?’ Learning what does not feel right is as important as discerning what does feel appropriate.

You have heard it before – We are Spiritual Beings living a human life.

Love yourself MORE this year than last year. Nurture your needs and listen to your heart. Ask yourself, “What does my Spiritual Self desire to participate in this year?”

This will reveal the REAL YOU – and your beautiful soul is ready to co-create in new and amazing ways for 2024!

MANY BLESSINGS for an Authentic & Joyful 2024

My deepest GRATITUDE to my family, my friends, my clients & students – all who are in my life and give me virtual HUGS everyday through love, laughter, supportive actions, inspiring ideas, and blessings for my well-being.

In 2024, may I continue to be of service in the Divine Plan and may we all be graced with ease and love throughout the year.

You may find my Spirit Guide classes and the Soul Vibration session of interest.

You may enjoy this previous blog on Creating Outside Support for an Inner Dream.

Robin Morlock, Spiritual Alchemist, Intuitive Healer & Teacher, Soul Support Writer

Classes and Sessions to support your Soul Journey; Dreams ~ Soul Journey Courses ~ Spirit Guides ~ Soul Vibration ~ Luminous Consciousness and more.

Metaphysical Secret: Rebuild from the Top

Recently I visited my health physician for a minor body issue. In trying to be scientifically helpful, she was providing a proven path for staving off more decline. This was not a rebuilding-for-better plan – it was a maintenance plan for less deterioration.

My thoughts and manifesting consciousness was housed in plans to rebuild or to reverse the situation. This was not an idea my physician could readily embrace. It was not part of her experience with her patients. So there was no ‘holding the possibility’ in her mind.

In my life experience, however, I have fully reversed many situations in my body and life, and in fact rebuilt from the top down to a much higher and more satisfying place.

As a geeky person with two science degrees (one in healthcare), I pondered this awkward conversation that she and I had in the exam room. After years of manifesting and also living with ‘science facts,’ I could see the bigger revelation around my approach and my doctor’s approach.

As a physician, she sees the body in constant decline with the body leading the conscious experience. Her view is as if a person were starting at the bottom of a hill and pushing the boulder uphill. The effort is intense to keep the body healthy and vibrant, and it is a losing battle.

My view, as a Spiritual Alchemist and Healer, is that everything starts from the top and works its way down into physical manifestation. This means that consciousness leads the body experience. This top-down view is also held by many of my Spiritual Mayan Lineage Healer and Teacher friends, and when the understanding is embraced, it becomes a natural way of bringing into existence what is desired.

Believe me – I get that we have a physical body that breaks down or has traumas in its operation. I also know that the brain sends all the messages to the body for response.

The real question is this: Is consciousness first or is physical first on our planet? The answer would drive how we manifest things into being.

Fortunately for us, Dr. Amit Goswami has answered this question for humanity! This Quantum Physics scientist and researcher was instrumental in several experiments (repeated in exactness through many universities) that demonstrated consciousness comes first.

General Overview of ‘Consciousness first’ Experiment

Here is a summary of the experiment: Two people (strangers to one another) were hooked up with electrodes on their heads and put into a room with each other. They sat across from one another and ‘thought’ about the other person, connecting into their consciousness. Their brain waves were captured on a computer recording. Every person is different, so the brain waves were different from one another as well.

After 5 minutes, they were separated into Faraday chambers where no electro-magnetic fields can penetrate. This should have eliminated any ability for them to have cross communication through their electrodes. In fact, if physical bodies are primary to consciousness, then they would truly not be able to connect at all.

They were asked to spend 20 minutes ‘thinking’ about the other person. Within a very short time period, the most amazing thing happened. The two separate brain wave recordings were moving in synchronistic waves with one another! Dr. Goswami and his team were able to actually lay one brain wave chart over the other one and they lined up almost perfectly.

This was astounding to the team. It was an experiment that was then replicated at other universities with the same results. Dr. Goswami had proved that consciousness exists outside of the body and any physics of our world. He went on to bring about other experiments that show consciousness directing the body and our environment.

Manifest Creative and Innovative Products

Our consciousness attention draws in, for manifestation, ALL experiences, including creative endeavors. As our wisdom teachers show us, all energy and thought already exist in the world (in both visible and invisible realms). It is likely that the painting you are doing or the necklace you are putting together already has a ‘presence’ in higher consciousness planes.

One of my Spiritual sisters is very clear that she channels her books into being. She starts with the knowledge that the book, in its whole and complete form, already exists in the higher planes of consciousness. She is tapping in and allowing that book to filter down and she is the vehicle that types it into form.

What creative projects could you bring to life from the already-completed higher consciousness state?

In circling back to the topic of the physical body and improving a health situation, the manifestation of that starts from the conscious mind. What are you thinking about when experiencing an illness or physical challenge or pain? Where are your thoughts when your doctor lays out the ‘statistics’ of other people’s healing path and applies it to your life?

Miracles are simply advanced physics knowledge not yet revealed to our scientists.

Medical doctor and Metaphysical Healer, Dr. Deepak Chopra, witnessed a body fully controlled by the mind in a demonstration by a yogi when Dr. Chopra was a young medical student. He watched in amazement as the practiced yogi cut his body with a knife, allowed massive blood flow to come out, and then, with his mind, he stopped the blood flow instantly and completely. This higher wisdom changed the course of Dr. Chopra’s life.

Start with a HIGHER VISION – and HOLD yourself there

The ‘secret’ of successful metaphysical healers is that we are holding a higher consciousness PERFECT blueprint of our bodies, our careers, our finances, and our relationships, in our minds.

If you want to mentally roll a pencil across the table, you don’t push it with your mind. You open the space on the other side of it and allow it to be pulled in that direction, or, more accurately, flow into that newly vacated space.

Allow that information to sink in. STOP pushing and imagine being on top of a mountain and opening the space above where all is created in its beauty, and let if flow DOWN into place.

This is what is meant by focusing on our dreams, our vision boards, and our affirmations. The consciousness will direct everything. Wonderful ideas will flow into place, people will show up to help get the project off the ground, and funding will come through when it is needed and appropriate.

For health – your body is under YOUR control. Rebuilding-for-improvement will include action steps, of course, but most important is that you build and hold that LUMINOUS and radiant body in your Higher Consciousness mind. See it in all its vibrancy and joy. See conditions completely reversed that baffle your doctors. Use your inner mind and watch your blood system and nerves deliver the messages from your radiant and divine blueprint. Listen to your inner heart and allow what you know to be the BEST for YOU to come into fruition.


You got this!

Whether we realize it or not, we have all manifested this way many, many times in our lives. It might have been done from the more subconscious or even unconscious arena. By being highly conscious, we now have the joy of directing our focus and our choices.


It is best to keep our focus on the completed and wonderful version of what we are bringing into manifestation.

Small steps and details are provided in the process by our Higher Self and Spirit Guides and Guiding Angels. We know that it already exists and so, we can FEEL that vibration. Walk around in that vibration! Like a delicious herbal tea, we may steep ourselves in it.

Be Your Own Wizard!

You are UNIQUE and you came to this planet to fulfill your Highest Blueprint Life.

Combined with the Higher Realms – work your magic Top-down.

Let nothing fence you in.

Ignite, Activate, and Enjoy!

You may find my Soul Journey Courses of interest.

You may enjoy this previous blog on Divine Timing.

Robin Morlock, Spiritual Alchemist, Intuitive Healer & Teacher, Soul Support Writer

Classes and Sessions to support your Soul Journey; Dreams ~ Soul Journey Courses ~ Spirit Guides ~ Soul Vibration ~ Luminous Consciousness and more.

Is it a Skill, Talent, or Gift?

Many times in life we may desire to re-evaluate our path and open to new avenues of Doing and Being in our communities, careers, and relationships. Who we are, how we express and share ideas, and learned knowledge all comes to the forefront.

And it can be confusing!

Is it a skill that we have learned and it turns out that we are talented at it? Or were we ‘gifted’ with this ability, as some friends might say to us?

“Oh, you are so gifted at that!”

These three terms – SKILL – TALENT – GIFT – are used interchangeably in many environments, from the corporate world to a meditation gathering.

When we are changing pathways in life, we must know the difference!

To show up authentically and fully in a new endeavor means that we have spent time in reflection and personal examination of HOW we contribute to the world.

Many of us are looking to ‘follow our Dream,’ and that could indicate a new job, going back to school, starting a different business, publishing books, selling artwork, applying for a leadership position at a nonprofit organization, and so much more.

In order to lean into a new life direction, it is helpful to know the difference between our skills, talents and gifts.

Let’s Start with Definitions


This is something that we develop – we learn to perform – whether we wanted to or not. It may be necessary.

A skill can be in the range of learning to do laundry all the way up to training as an architect in school. As a trained architect, a person would learn basics on how to draw, design buildings, and work deeply in mathematics.

Training as a school teacher, a person would learn tried-and-true methods of how to teach to children. This does not automatically translate to the teacher being ‘talented’ at teaching others.

My example is that I worked in corporate jobs for many years and I was trained to be highly organized and efficient. I learned to be detail-oriented based on the work I was required to complete and I was taught ‘systems-thinking.’

This was not my deep love – my heart was not in this type of work – but I developed the skills in order to stay in that line of work and pay my bills every month.


A talent is where we have learned a skill, such as how to play the guitar, and then discover that we have an affinity for it. With a learned skill that showcases a talent, a person is naturally better at that thing than most others.

Accordingly, the skill level for that person rises quite quickly. The person has a talent (that is noticeable) for that particular learned skill. Also, it is highly likely that there is enjoyment in performing that skill/talent because the person is attracted to the activity, and thus, practices more often.

You may have read about practicing something for 10,000 hours to have mastery over that skill. This is highlighted in the immensely informative book, “Outliers; The Story of Success,” by Malcolm Gladwell. The research of this author shows that we can achieve expertise in a field by putting in (approximately) 10,000 hours of practice.

We find that most people who choose to put in 10,000 hours into something usually have an attraction or a desire toward that activity. But remember, we can become masterful at something and still not be talented at it. Talent is recognized by others and the talented person stands out in their field.

My example is that when I was younger, I participated in nine years of constant vocal training while in school. I was selected for specialty singing groups, performed in musicals and I participated in State competitions.

While I have a ‘nice’ voice, and I certainly have an affinity for singing, my years of developing and practicing a skill did not reveal a great talent! Nowadays, my husband is the lucky audience member for my joyous vocals.


This is innate – we have always had this ability. In fact, it may come so easily to us that we think it is part of our personality. We may take this for granted and not give it much credit.

We have no obligation to use our gifts. It is always there, so it is an OPTION to look for OPPORTUNITIES to exude, share, develop and enhance our gifts.

When we are in full bloom of our gift(s), we can mentor others who carry this gift.

Examples of Innate Gifts

  • Stabilizing Calm
  • Emotional Strength
  • Conceptual Visionary
  • Artistic Eye
  • Healing Presence
  • Compassion
  • Writing
  • Hope/Inspiration
  • Light-Heartedness
  • Idea Architect
  • Oral Communicator
  • Teaching
  • Solution Finder

Gifts are recognized as an over-arching quality or essence. It is not usually a laser-focused skill because a gift may be expressed in many ways.

Our Higher Self, along with Source and our Spirit Guides, will set up a multitude of opportunities for us to express and share our gift(s) during our time on this planet. A gift of compassion, for example, might be expressed in a career as a nurse. But also, it could be expressed in a career as a teacher of disabled students, or as a veterinarian. It would also naturally be noticed by the person’s friends and family and be greatly appreciated.

In other words:

Our gift does not necessarily lead us into one pathway of living.

Rather, it opens many pathways of contributing.

One of my deepest gifts is to be a ‘helper’ and to bring ‘encouragement’ for others. I embrace these gifts by being of service (when it is appropriate) for my family, friends, and spiritual community. This might take the path of sending a heart-felt card to a friend, or writing a thoughtful email, or sending an unexpected gift. I choose to express encouragement in my blogs, my novels, and in my class teaching, as well. I have ‘encouraged others’ since I was a young child.

Make Your List

If you would like to delve deeper into the examination of these three areas for yourself, my suggestion would be:

  • Open your journal or computer tablet and create TWO columns across the page. Title the one on the left ‘Skill’ and the one on the right ‘Talent.’
  • Take your time and write a list down the ‘Skill’ column of skills you have developed over the years. Think of your communications, your thought processes, your physical abilities, etc.
  • In the ‘Talent’ column, right across from each skill, put a yes or no if this turned into a talent, or you feel you are recognized by others for this highly developed skill.
  • Notice if any of the yes areas on your ‘Talent’ list came about from an affinity for the activity, and from many hours of practice.
  • Finally, at the bottom of your page, separate from the two columns, write the word GIFT and list qualities that you feel you have exhibited most of your life. Be honest and be specific. You might have always brought HOPE to others, but not necessarily BALANCE or GROUNDEDNESS.
  • You will likely find that you have no less than 3 gifts and probably no more than 7. Once you have these identified, look back through your two columns above and put a star next to anything on the lists where you now recognize that your gift shines through that skill/talent as well.
  • Write an extra paragraph below your Gifts List on all the ways that your gift is expressed from you in other areas of your life (personal relationships, spirituality, finances, business acumen, home design, nature activities, and more).

You may be discovering now how many wonderful innate gifts you truly give to the world – DAILY!

Another way to discern if it is a gift:

It will feel natural and it will bring you energy to do it.

Through many years of personal healing sessions and classes, I learned the difference between being a ‘helper – an encourager’ and being a ‘people-pleaser.’ The difference is obvious for me energetically. As an encourager or when I am naturally helping someone, I feel LIFTED. It is easy to do. When I am stuck in the icky energy of trying to people-please, I feel drained and it becomes an effort.

How to Grow Your Gift

By recognizing and appreciating your gift(s), it is easier to see when you are LIFTED by it, and perhaps how to bring more of those experiences into your day. Your awareness helps the gift to GROW.

If you are looking to change your career, focus on what is joyful for you, and HOW that lifestyle will be more fulfilling than where you are now. You may still need to develop some new skills for the transition, but the beauty of knowing your gift areas means that you are able to apply these amazing, innate qualities to your new path in ways that are ALREADY fulfilling for you.

Stay in the heart.

Pay attention.

Don’t rush.

Be focused and selective.

Your energy is finite and precious.

Treat it like GOLD. And spend it where you will find the most personal satisfaction.

Your Higher Self chose these specific Gifts for this lifetime. Build skills, allow Talent to exude, and appreciate your GIFTS as the way that your Soul will grow the fastest.

You may find my Soul Journey Courses of interest.

Robin Morlock, Spiritual Alchemist, Intuitive Healer & Teacher, Soul Support Writer

Classes and Sessions to support your Soul Journey; Dreams ~ Soul Journey Courses ~ Spirit Guides ~ Soul Vibration ~ Luminous Consciousness and more.

Letter to Self: Encouragement!

We all have days when it seems that the journey of life has it in for us. For me, those moments come after a few disappointing losses – maybe I didn’t get the job I hoped for, or my college essay paper was less than stellar after tons of work, or a new venture I started was super slow in taking off…

Whatever it is for each of us, we know that familiar feeling of wanting to give up, to quit, or worse – feeling like we are never going to have a ‘win.’

I call this the DARK PIT.

It feels like an energetic sinking down – and dark because I struggle to see LIGHT in that moment. The Hope that should be there. If you have suffered this, then you might relate when I say that this can last half a day, or days, for me.

The challenge is to get OUT of the DARK PIT and not always to rely on other people and their energy systems for this help.

YES, it is great when we have a team of supportive and loving folks around to lift our spirits, AND, it also is a sign of spiritual maturity when we take responsibility to find our own way out.

How to pull ourselves out of the dark pit when we are FULLY in it.

ENCOURAGEMENT is the key to climbing out of negative thinking and back to a positive and hopeful perspective.

This is the elixir from others that boosts our confidence, gets us laughing at ourselves, and moves us to take forward steps once again. So, can we muster Self-Encouragement for our own personal process of perspective re-alignment?

YES! But first…

Let’s look at the word ‘encouragement’ for deeper understanding.

Encouragement breaks out to EN-COURAGE-MENT.

EN = prefix that means to go into a particular state or condition, to put in or put on something, according to the Collins online dictionary.

COURAGE = the attitude of dealing with anything recognized as difficult, painful, or dangerous instead of withdrawing from it; being fearless, according to the same dictionary.

MENT = the dictionary also provides us the meaning of this suffix; an action or resulting state, a product.

We can see that to provide ourselves with SELF-ENCOURAGEMENT would mean that individually we must desire to ‘go into a state’ ‘of courage (an attitude) dealing with something difficult’ which gives us the ‘resulting state’ we sought to put in place.

Sounds like a beautiful circle!

I enter into courage to get to the state of courage.

For those of us who like to explore how this is felt in the Chakra system – think about your THIRD CHAKRA – located at the solar plexus of the body.

As the enlightened teacher, healer and writer Caroline Myss tells us in her book, ‘Invisible Acts of Power,’ the THIRD CHAKRA embodies the power of endurance. To withstand trials and tribulations and to assert oneself in a community with one’s gifts and talents.

So our third chakra – our power center – feels off balance when we are down, when we have not had ‘winning moments’ that were fueled by our passionate dreams and actions.

Time to Nourish our THIRD CHAKRA and LIFT our Mental State

A beautiful compassionate action: We can write a letter or card to ourselves that reminds us of who we really are – amazing souls in physical bodies anchoring LIGHT for the planet and others!

I have a lovely small card that I wrote for myself a couple of years ago. It sits on a table in my office, and when I need that reminder – that LIFT – I open the card and read the inscription that my Higher Self consciousness wrote to my Lower Self consciousness to pull me out of a dark pit.

I have a beautiful life. I love my husband, my family, and my home. I live daily in deep grace poured over me and through me by CREATOR and I AM BLESSED. Generosity fills my heart. Gratitude emanates daily. I AM a greatly beloved daughter of CREATOR and the UNIVERSE. All is well in my world. I take this one step at a time, and I AM in PERFECTION now.

How to Write Your Self-Encouragement Letter

Make time and create a sacred space to write your card to yourself. Gather your materials. Perhaps you want to create a card, or maybe you have a special blank card you have been saving for a friend. This is YOUR special time!

Center yourself and write from the HEART. Imagine writing to a beloved friend who needs encouragement to get going again with hope. FEEL your Higher Self come in through the top of your head, your Crown chakra, and let that supportive energy settle into your heart space.

Imagine how loving your Higher Self and your Angels would speak to you!

WRITE this LOVE LETTER of encouragement to yourself.

When you are done, read it out loud one full time through and FEEL this gorgeous energy as it flows through your body and energizes your soul.

Final step: Honor your card by placing it in a special place in your home that is private for you. This is not a card for other people’s eyes.

And close your Letter Writing Session with gratitude in your heart for YOURSELF and all the Higher Spiritual Beings that were helping you write this love letter to yourself.

I hope this re-alignment with your Higher Self Consciousness perspective will always bring you balance, grounding, and a feeling of being greatly loved, as it has for me over the years. We truly can help ourselves out of a dark place and into the LIGHT.

May you be LIFTED by your Letter of Encouragement.

If you try this out, please share your experience or thoughts below.

We are here to also encourage each other!

See my BLOG on Nurture Yourself and Lose the Guilt

Visit my website for classes and sessions in sacred healing.


We often wonder if we are on a ‘Soul’ Journey when we are knee-deep in bills, deadlines, family commitments and cutting our sleep time to keep up with the demands of our daily schedule.

It feels more like a ‘Chore’ Journey.

And when social media posts flood in with smiling faces – “Enjoying my Best Life!” – we might even question if we are doing it wrong.

Breathe – Relax – and know this:

  1. We are not doing it wrong. We are doing what we have been trained to do by the modern world.
  2. We are on a Soul Journey, no matter what – but we may not be getting the answers we seek.

Our day-to-day can keep us spinning with familial and social obligations, continuous job training and work demands, financial stress, and an overabundance of technology and lack of time in nature.

And yet, we know in our hearts that REFLECTION time and dedicated HEALING efforts are a self-nurturing way to grow, transform, and begin to LIVE the Luminous Life we desire – AND – that Source desires for us as well!

But how do I fit in my Introspective & Healing Soul Journey?

As many people in my life circle are aware, my own Soul Journey started in 1997. My healing is thanks to the amazing presence of many Divine-Light Teachers such as Starr Fuentes and Selena Rodriguez.

My path as a Spiritual Teacher and Intuitive Healer took a quantum leap in 2014 because of my deepened dedication to ‘being seen’ (on the web), committing even more to my own LIGHT transformation, and offering classes & sessions more openly. In recognizing that I resonated with being a ‘Spiritual Alchemist,’ this lead me to explore new ways to blend the sacred and science with daily living.

Let me share THREE Spiritual Alchemy secrets…

Spiritual Alchemy Secret #1

You have to do this – this lifetime or another.

We find the time to deepen our walk with Source, our Spirit Guides, and our Inner Self because WE HAVE TO. This is the only way to begin living in balanced grace where we bring out our best talents, gifts, and compassion to the world. We cannot wish for this to magically happen.

YOU are worth your most precious time spent on revealing your Highest Blueprint for this lifetime.

We cannot be MORE for others until we are HEALED and LOVING ourselves.

Spiritual Alchemy Secret #2

It starts with small steps and builds to a natural state of Being.

There is no magic pill that will whisk us away to a life filled with butterflies and stars. (Okay, there might be, but we want an organic and drug-free life on this planet!)

It will require that we put one foot in front of the other (very third dimension/science based) and with the guidance of a trained Spiritual Teacher (the sacred element), we build a new foundation for the intuitive and grace-filled life we want to experience.

What DOES exist for us – in a super powerful and experiential way – is a life lived in miraculous breaths where:

We flow from one synchronicity to the next.

Our Intuitive Guidance is regularly ‘on.’

We see/feel/experience the manifestation of our joyful desires almost instantly.

We feel more grounded and greatly loved & supported on our unique Soul Journey.

Spiritual Alchemy Secret #3

The work pays off because the Universal Laws never fail.

After we dig deep and address issues and life traumas AND clear those out of our energy fields – we can explore our soul contracts and re-activate our Highest Blueprint for this lifetime. We become aware of working with Higher Realm Beings of LIGHT that are assisting us daily, and this co-creating is woven into the fabric of living a Higher Consciousness life.

In the Spiritual Alchemist world, we work from the place of consciousness creating our physical world. This has now been proven by the amazing Amit Goswami, Quantum Physicist!

It is a Top-Down Concept!

We are GREAT BEINGS of energy that have come to enjoy a planetary Earth life. Our physical bodies and the world we have created around us are results of our conscious thoughts and soul choices for evolution.

Universal Law states that what we create/think MUST be brought to us! It never fails.

So if we activate the brain with LIGHT, clear our blockages, and ground our energies, we will radiate Divine Light.

Divine Light emanating outward attracts grace, ease, joy, beauty, balance, abundance, and love.

Overland Park, Kansas Arboretum, Photo by Robin Morlock

Our Soul Journey opens us to Love, Joy, and Spiritual Depth.

These THREE Spiritual Alchemy Secrets boost our confidence about getting on path.

  • We will be required to do a conscious reflective & healing Soul Journey – it is in our soul contract – now or later.
  • Taking small steps is FINE – it adds up!
  • The Universe guarantees we will succeed and be successful in our quest.

My suggestion on getting started:

Find a Spiritual Teacher that you resonate with and commit to healing and discovering what your soul purpose is, how you are to express it best, and the peace that comes from healing your Inner Self.

You can do it alone, and it will take longer, but why do that?

We are here on this planet to be in community with one another! The authentic healers and teachers are out there, ready to assist you over the bridge from where you are now to where you desire to be – LUMINOUSLY expressing your gifts, talents and compassion for a world that needs the TRUE YOU.

Your Soul is greatly loved and supported always, and now is the time to embrace that essence by journeying deep to be grounded, balanced and whole.

You may find my Soul Journey Courses of interest.

Robin Morlock, Spiritual Alchemist, Intuitive Healer & Teacher, Soul Support Writer

Classes and Sessions to support your Soul Journey; Dreams ~ Soul Journey Courses ~ Spirit Guides ~ Soul Vibration ~ Luminous Consciousness and more.

Clarity & Self-Belief

You dreamed it for yourself. You wrote it down. You even created a stunning Vision Board.

But do you believe it can happen for you?

Here is what can sometimes happen for me:

I feel a passion in my heart to do something, create something, offer a service, open or start a business – and this dream is BIG and alive in my heart and mind! I sketch it out and maybe even share it with some trusted friends. Soon, it starts to feel like something I am driven toward – I cannot stop thinking about it. I have a vision board with images that resonant with this passion and, yes, I have even visited websites to design business cards to further my deep dive in this direction (if you are smiling, we might be kindred buddies in this process).

Then suddenly it seems that I am unable to get to the next stage of this dream. I might have read books on the subject or attended webinars to learn more, and I should feel ready to commit to the next step in the process of making this dream a reality.

But I am not. I am stuck in Dream world.

The amazing Christian leader Joyce Meyer summarized this:

I’ve got lots of wish bone but no back bone.

After years on this merry-go-round of sometimes achieving and sometimes never breaking through, I finally admitted what has happened when I hit the zero point of movement. I don’t actually BELIEVE that this dream is doable – by me. That I can do it. That I am worthy of it or important enough to accomplish it. And the pain of NOT having this happen is so great (because the passion inside is so large) that it feels as if failure will be catastrophic to my emotional self. It is better not to take One. More. Step.

As a Spiritual Teacher and a person who deeply believes in the Higher Spiritual Realm, Healing Angels and Spirit Guides, you can imagine how this damages my own inner sense of self.

And I know you may feel this frustration as well.

You might be stuck in Dream world too.

The real question is this:

If Source/God/Creator has inspired this creative fire of an idea, then why are we so distrustful of our own abilities and the journey to co-create with Source?

If we posed the question: “Do you believe your Spirit Guides keep you from danger? Keep you safe?” Most people would answer YES.

But if we ask, “Do you believe your Spirit Guides point the way to great success for you?” Many times the answer is a lukewarm MAYBE.

As humans we are designed to crave safety first and evaluate risk, even creative risk, from that perspective. If my Spirit Guide indicates that a car ride today would not be ideal for me – it would be a danger for me – then I am right there abiding by this wonderful inner guidance that is sparked by my intuitive abilities. I stay home.

But if my Spirit Guide indicates a ‘GO’ signal with something I have been working on – I might QUESTION that.

“Are you sure?” I ask.

“Maybe some more time at the drawing board on this one,” I decide. And the cycle of being inactive, stuck, or paralyzed begins again.

How do we move beyond this static space and the fear of plunging ahead?

Three Simple Steps break the Paralysis Cycle

One Prayer at a Time.

I know this sounds like an airy-fairy answer, but know this:

Source/God/Creator is always listening and our Spirit Guides and Angels are constantly looking for ways to help us.

As Abraham, channeled through Esther Hicks, reminds us: The Universe always says YES.

When we pray in gratitude with an open heart, we are ASKING for the self-esteem, the courage, the persistence to rise up inside and see us through to the next (even minor) step of the co-creative process.

And the answer is YES. We will be lifted, encouraged, and feel a surge of the quality that we were asking for running through every vein in our bodies!

Get over the guilty idea that you can only ask once in a millennium. ASK often, daily, or even five times in a day. Not from a begging place, but from a knowing space. We are building a positive attribute inside us that is MISSING from our upbringing when we openly seek this Divine Light assistance.

One Day at a Time.

When we feel overwhelmed with a ‘golden idea,’ it can usually be traced back to a spiraling out of control mental list of all that would need to be accomplished for that to be a reality.

For those of us who like to rush to the finish line (I am speaking of myself here!), please embrace this:

We can only do so much in a single day and in the hours available for a particular venture.

Like the accumulation of pennies added to a jar every day, we really will make progress by taking a deep breath and realizing that one day at a time is where our focus needs to be.

Honor yourself.

Honor your schedule of commitments.

And know that it is FINE – whatever you can do in the direction of your passion! Your Spirit Guides and Angels are there to help out and small steps really do count.

Layer for Strength.

Think of building a foundation inside yourself with this new attribute that you are praying for – be it patience, positive thinking, consistent follow-through, bravery and more. Use a few powerful materials and layer over and over again to create a strong new HOUSE – YOU!

Building blocks to make a solid POSITIVE You that takes action on inspired ideas:

  • Prayers generated often
  • Vision Boards created and posted in front of you
  • Positive Affirmations read daily
  • Willingness to refocus for only One Day at a Time

There is no deadline on your spiritual journey.

You are a beautiful and beloved soul that is greatly supported.

And your ideas and passion projects will flourish!

See my BLOG on Finding Your Own Intuitive Path

Discover my classes and sessions HERE.

Name Your Year: Honoring Your Life Journey

At the start of each New Year, we celebrate, toast to the passage of time, and make new resolutions for an improved future life. While this ritual is lovely and many times satisfying, there is, for many people, a key element missing.

Photo credit: Hannah Olinger/Unsplash.com

THAT IS: The recognition of what happened in your world in the last 12 months that developed who you are in this present moment.

The toughest part of ‘resolution-making’ is that we may find we choose the same resolution over and over each year. In many instances, it does not happen or progress is halted. We are unsure of WHY we are not accomplishing this ‘future life’ that we are sure will make us happy. We give up – we move into resignation for the same ole’ thing – and we may even be depressed for a time.

In our minds, the DREAM died. But what was it based on?

My deeper question is this:

Are we honoring what actually DID happen in the last 12 months of our lives?

Perhaps the reason the same resolutions are being created year after year is that the real changes occurring in our lives are not being recognized and honored. Not hated. Honored. On the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels – where were you?

How can we set a new direction if we don’t know where we are coming from?

I have a New Year ritual that has helped me over the years, and it is one that I started on my own. I have never heard of anyone recommending this (although someone may have), so I would like to share this in the hopes that it may be valuable to someone else.


If you think back on this last year and how you have journeyed through it – what title would you give it? That is a GREAT start to recognizing where you are today.

Photo credit: Tyler Nix/Unsplash.com

Every year, in early January, I take out a small journal that is dedicated to being wholly honest and honoring my journey of the last year. I have limited myself to ONE PAGE. That means that I have to keep the details more to bullet points.

I have been doing this since 2004, when I was training in a Christian Mysticism School. The idea came to me after a very important ‘Illumination Ceremony’ and I wanted to capture major details of this very transformative year in my life. As I began to write, I realized that there had been a THEME for the year, and so, I titled the year. I wrote honestly about ups and downs and major occurrences and this covered any/all categories in my life (relationships, career, spiritual growth, family) to all PEMS levels (my physical health, my emotional balance, my mental state, and my spiritual understandings) – whatever was the highlight of the year, that went down in bullet points on that page.

Here are some of my YEAR TITLES over the many years of this journal experience:

 The Heavy Energy Year; Return to My Spiritual Center

Super Light Energy Year; Simplify Balance & Focus

A Deeper Journey; Clearing My Path

The Training Ground

The Year of Manifestations

The Year of Elastic Paradigms

The Year of the Ever-Moving Target

The Year of Anger, Release, and Restart Again

The Year of Rooting In, Purification, and Frequencies

If you would like to try this for yourself, here is my process:

  • Sit down to record the previous year AFTER December 31.
  • Breathe deep a couple times, pull your energies in, and focus inward to your heart center.
  • Allow yourself to think back on the major happenings of the previous 12 months. FEEL what the theme of the year has been for you. No need to judge this. BE with it.
  • Open your eyes and write the year at the top of the page, and your THEME title for the year underneath that.
  • Bullet point down through the page your true journey during the year. Bullet points help us to stay brief. You are recording this to recognize it and for reading it years later. This is NOT the journal where you write at length to explore all that occurred. You may set up a separate journal to go deep into those life truths.
  • You may find some bullet points are stating a fact like, “We moved from this locale to this new locale” and other bullet points will anchor how you felt, or where you were mentally during the year. “I felt sabotaged and betrayed by a work colleague and it stressed me out for the entire year.” We acknowledge not only the physical changes in our world, but also how we felt or what consumed our thoughts – as these indicate the level of joy or stress that we dealt with all year long. Don’t forget to bullet point wonderful events that produced great joy and happiness! For your spiritual journey, perhaps you learned a great lesson and want to write it here.
  • At the end of your page, read back over what you just wrote. Breathe deep. Say out loud, “I honor my very precious life journey.” And if you feel like crying or laughing, do this. BE with your life journey.
  • As you prepare to close your journal and tuck it away for another year, this is a lovely time to ask for the Higher Realms to continue gracing your life with blessings, if that resonates with you.

Now, with a clear understanding of where you have been, and where you would like to go in the New Year, you turn a kinder eye on yourself in making these new resolutions.

I promise you will have clarity of what is truly important to you, and best of all, you will have a journal that can detail decades of your life in a simple and truthful manner. Your highs and lows will be there, and in the end, your own awesome human perseverance and inner LIGHT will shine bright.

Photo credit: Google Images

I say to you, “O’ Beautiful and Blessed One, Sacredly Honor Yourself.”

Recommend: A lovely book on the beauty of honoring life is ‘Prayers of Honoring,’ by Pixie LightHorse.

Many Blessings, Robin

Absorb Vortex Energy Wherever You Go!

Summer is here! It is time to travel, enjoy nature and go explore some new environments.

As spiritual seekers, Light workers, and healers, we have the added pleasure of tuning in for a few brief moments, wherever we are, and noticing the energy of a location. What vibrations do we feel? What new or otherworldly sound frequencies are we being treated to? How is the nature energy different from the last place we breathed in? What colors do our eyes see and how is that Ray of Light changing our consciousness?

Grand Canyon South Rim; google image

Vortex – Specific Ray of Light

Vortices are everywhere on our planet. As we walk around, we can feel changes in ourselves as we walk in different areas – maybe a little dizzy in one place, maybe an immense wave of love comes to our heart chakra in another place, and so on.

How can we learn more about Vortex energy and the increased Source Love vibration we may be experiencing? In the book, “New Cells, New Bodies, New Life!” by Virginia Essene and a group of other master channelers, Chapter 8 is a channeled article by Norman titled “Nova 8.” Perhaps this brief summary of Nova 8’s information will provide some wisdom insights about Vortex energy on our planet.

A Vortex is a spiraling stream of energy, a great arc of multicolored LIGHT patterns, that corkscrews back and forth along an interstellar pathway (like a cosmic highway) from our earth planet and back to Source again.

Art by SilviaStarlight5 at deviantart.com

There are 13 major vortex spirals converging on Earth, and where they intersect with each other, we will find sacred sites created by intuitive humans in ancient times.

Each vortex contains a specific encoding of LIGHT – it has a specific purpose and role in the evolution of Christ Consciousness on the planet. Twelve of the vortices are individually different, carrying one full spectrum of expression from Source. The thirteenth vortex carries all encodings of planetary cycles, past and present along with the activation codes for the ascension of our planet into the higher dimensions (above 3D).

Visualization of vortex of rainbow LIGHT streaming to Earth; Bing image

Each Soul matches a Ray of Light Vortex

As previously mentioned, each vortex contains a set of codes – a blueprint – that is a specific expression of Source creativity and love on this planet. Every soul is also encoded with one of these expressions, and when that soul being walks into that same vortex energy, it is a lovely download of soul wisdom from that Light projection.

A person who walks in a place on terra firma that has the influx of one of the 13 Vortex energies will gain essential understandings of the blueprints for our planet. If that person is drawn to a place that feels incredibly harmonious, it is possible that the person has discovered their resonant Vortex – the one that vibrates out the blueprint for one’s role in the planetary cycle of ascension and for their own soul evolution.

Redwood National Park; photo by Michael Schweppe

Have you noticed that people seem to be moving from their homes, their long-time locations and re-planting themselves in all-new locations? Perhaps this is something you have recently done, or your are considering uprooting and resettling in an area that seems to be ‘calling your heart.’

People who are in harmony with their soul path (even if that is on a deeply subconscious level) will begin to find themselves magnetized to the area where the vortex energy flow is in harmony with their soul expression. As they arrive there, it becomes a time of increased life satisfaction and joy of being-ness on the planet.

Summer Travels – Dip Your Toes in Vortex Light!

As you travel, you have the option to choose to be conscious of the vibrations, frequencies, colors, and nature energies around you.

Urquhart Castle, Loch Ness, Scotland; Bing photo

All of the vortex energies are supportive in different and amazing ways, and feeling those Light encodings will add to your inner soul journey.

As you pay attention to the subtle signals in each new place, you may find that you are energized more, drawn more, to a specific location over other locations. Who knows? That may be your resonating vortex Ray of Light! Enjoy it and let it wash over you and through you – feel free to absorb as much of that Light frequency as you want. It will only add to your ‘peace’ meter.

If you find a special place this summer, please feel free to share with us in the comments below. Sharing in our Light community is how we grow and expand in greater love, awareness, and compassion!

Blessings, Robin

Blessing Prayer: Cheyenne Medicine Wheel

This Blessing Prayer was written a couple of years ago when I visited a Cheyenne Medicine Wheel at the Arboretum in Overland Park, Kansas.

Arboretum Bridge; photo by Robin Morlock

This beautiful 300-acre park is filled with tree-lined walking trails, benches in the shade, waterfalls and trickling streams, and amazing flowers gardens.

Added to this sanctuary land is a sacred Cheyenne Medicine Wheel laid out with many different types of stones. It was created by a Cheyenne Indian Chief and dedicated to the care of the nature spirits and Mother Earth.

One sunny day, I enjoyed an outing to the Arboretum and spent time re-balancing with nature.

I completed the ‘spirit walk’ inside the medicine wheel and deposited a stone to the center, as suggested on the park plaque.

As I was departing, I turned back to the wheel and said, “I love you,” to the Spirit Guides holding space there. I held my digital camera up and took a quick photograph. I did not look at it, as I was standing in the sun and could not see the picture on the screen.

Back home, I uploaded all my Arboretum photos to my computer, and as I brought up the medicine wheel – my eyes widened and my heart soared – here was a full Rainbow Spirit Chief showing himself to me, and sending back the blessing.

I love to share this photograph: below are two views of one picture. The first is the original from where I stood and sent my love to the circle. The second is a cropped close-up of the original, so we can all see the Rainbow Spirit Chief more fully illuminated.

Cheyenne Medicine Wheel; Rainbow Manifestation back by the trees. Photo by Robin Morlock

Rainbow Spirit Chief, Guardian over the Cheyenne Medicine Wheel. Close up, Photo by Robin Morlock

My Blessing Prayer, written after seeing this beautiful photograph:

 Thank you, Great Father, Watcher, Keeper, Friend, Brother.

I send you many Blessings to the Heart Center. May Guardians of the LIGHT care for your sacred circle and cleanse all who step onto her path.

Thank you, Great Mother, Nurturer, Giver, Friend, Sister.

I send you many Blessings to the Womb Center. May Angelic LIGHT Beings bring in compassion and solidity for all who choose to know you.

Thank you Father, Thank you Mother.

May your Rainbow Kingdom reign supreme.

In greatest love, your beloved Daughter, Healer and Light Holder.

Natural Stone Energy: The Red Color Rays

Modern-day living equates to one thing – busy! Most of us feel that we are up and running all day long, collapsing in the evening with the clear knowledge that we will start this all over again the following day.

What if there was a way to gain a boost of energy, confidence, and stability by simply carrying a natural stone or wearing it in a piece of jewelry?

Small Ruby stone; Bing image

The answer is YES – there is!

THE RED COLOR RAY STONES provide a beautiful service on the planet by giving us boosts of physical energy, confidence and calm, and emotional stability.

Recently, in a podcast recording with Kimberli Soulretriever Ridgeway, you may have heard me discuss different natural stones and some of their healing properties. If you missed it, here is the link, and you will hear Kimberli’s favorites and the stones I always have on me or in my purse!

Today, we are turning our attention to RED STONES and how they work with our physical 3D issues here on Earth.

Color Ray RED – expressed through RED STONES:

  • Ruby
  • Red Coral
  • Rhodocrosite
  • Garnet
  • Red/Pink Tourmaline (Rubellite/Elbaite)
  • Red Beryl (Bixbite)
  • Red Jasper

raw ruby stones
Raw Ruby stones; Bing image

RUBY – This amazing stone brings us emotional stability and healing. The Red Ray energy is focused through this stone through the crystalline matrix of corundum. Red ray energy gathers on the emotional subtle body level and creates a two-fold effect: assistance with opening to Divine Love in the heart, and, bridging the emotional body to the physical body. Another quality that Ruby anchors for us is intensity, vividness (in daily living & dreams) and massive amounts of Light to chase away darkness in our hearts.

Ruby vibrates to the number 3; the sign of the Trinity.

red coral beads
Red Coral beads; Bing image

RED CORAL – Mystic communications is the heart of Coral with an alignment to achieving one’s goals. This element from the sea (not a mineral stone, but often grouped with stone energies) brings us in direct contact with Spiritual Masters in the higher realms who provide conscious and subconscious wisdom teachings. With an activation of the root chakra, there is dedicated harmony with the manifestation of desired goals in life. I love this powerhouse energy and I wear red coral daily.

Red Coral vibrates to the master number 22 (unlimited potential of mastery), and also specifically to the number 4, which represents grounding and the four directions.

rhodochrosite large
Rhodochrosite; Bing image

RHODOCHROSITE – This beautiful stone is often found in the pink family, but it has deep red coloring as well. This stone pulsates and emanates the LOVE energy; specifically deep sacred love of the Earth, of life, and for our emotional journey. This stone works quickly by energizing the root, sacral and heart chakra, and restores balance to our physical and subtle bodies. This stone is powerful and the more you wear it, the quicker the transformation to balance with noticeable energy boosts!

Rhodochrosite vibrates to the number 4, which grounds us and provides the stability of the four directions on the earth.

Garnet rock
Garnet rock; Bing image

GARNET – An ancient Mayan favorite, Garnet enhances our internal fire bringing speedy transformation and tons of creative energy! This stone is known for its ability to extract negative energy from the chakras and increase revitalizing energy through the spinal column. Bringing order to chaos in one’s life is the mantra of this red gem.

Garnet vibrates to the number 2, which holds the union of masculine & feminine energies in balance and alignment.

Pink Tourmaline
Pink Tourmaline; Bing image

RED/PINK TOURMALINE – In general, Tourmaline balances the left & right sides of the brain to enhance creative efforts. Red Tourmaline (Rubellite) activates the root chakra to stimulate vitality through the physical body. This connects with the heart chakra and brings more ‘loving consciousness’ to daily living. Pink Tourmaline (Elbaite) awakens the crown chakra and heart chakra, making known the highest levels of Universal Love. It promotes enthusiasm and freedom of thought which increases peace and ease.

Red Tourmaline vibrates to the numbers 1, 2, 4 and 5. Independence, balanced duality, groundedness, and enhanced activity are all encompassed here!

Pink Tourmaline vibrates to the number 9, and the master number 99. Nine helps us recognize the end of phases and cycles of energy, and the master number 99 brings understanding of the greater Divine Plan with self-awareness at its core.

Red Beryl cluster
Red Beryl (Bixbite); Bing image

RED BERYL – Red Beryl is also known as Bixbite with a brilliant red color. Star energies pulsate through this stone, opening the Kundalini pathways and activating the heart chakra toward sacred respect for all life forms. This is a quick enhancer of energy and power and brings with it higher cooperation within relationships.

Red Beryl vibrates to the number 8, enhancing abundance and flow in our lives!

Red Jasper; Bing image

RED JASPER – Jasper is known to ancient indigenous tribes as the ‘Shaman Stone’ that assists in astral travel and protects mankind from dangers. Red Jasper specifically works with the deep level of our Dreams, reworking them in our mind so we begin to understand the importance of the messages. This is a gradual progression and ‘taking responsibility’ stone that is a perfect complement to other red stones that provide us a jolt of energy for expansive projects.

Red Jasper vibrates to the number 6, enhancing our generosity, compassion and desire for community service.

Take your time and explore the energy feelings you receive from these gorgeous red stones! Combining a couple of them in a necklace or bracelet is even better.

Next month – the color ORANGE and the color ray Orange through natural stones!

Learn more about numerology (the meaning of numbers).

Blessings, Robin

I am a resource gatherer, and I love to give credit where it is due! Here are a couple helpful books where the above information was gleaned, and I know you will want them in your library too. Gemisphere Luminary, by Michael Katz; and Love is in the Earth, by Melody.